html input element has more than one associated label

kyle shapiro asked on May 26, 2016 23:08

While trying to make my site ADA compliant, I get the issue of "input element has more than one associated label"


appears twice in the source code of the page. The layout of this form is a custom layout and I have confirmed that the label for phone only occurs once. Any ideas on why this may be happening? I can post the web page if needed. Thank you.

Recent Answers

Suman Layek answered on May 27, 2016 04:07

Which version you are using ? I am getting it correct in v 8.2. One label for each input

For your reference below should be a single row of custom form layout

<tr class="form-table-group">
        <td class="form-table-label-cell">$$label:CategoryID$$</td>
        <td class="form-table-value-cell">$$input:CategoryID$$</td>
        <td class="form-table-validation-cell">$$validation:CategoryID$$</td>
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